Art As Education

FIC is devoted to art as education. Art as education is a means by which to harness the creative power of art-making to stimulate education that transcends the discipline of art. Fostering in children a sense of personal value and dignity and affirming them in their creative autonomy and abilities, we intend to equip them with skills integral to critical thinking, interdisciplinary identification, and the building blocks for entrepreneurship.

The FIC Art as Education curriculum is a living collaborative document based on the work of Andrew E. Briggs, Dr. Gail Weigl, and enhanced with relevance by licensed art teachers Opiyo Samuel Baker and Abu Martin. The intention with the curriculum draft is to implement exercises that we feel transcend culture while simultaneously consulting local leaders, educators, and counselors to make appropriate adjustments for the utmost cultural and educational relevance.

The FIC Art as Education curriculum is intended to flow naturally from our art as therapy core while grooming the foreground for war-affected children to develop a healthy self-understanding while acquiring creative skills that will prepare them for life. Important considerations in building this curriculum are:
– The local Acholi culture and traditions.
– Art as therapy in relationship to war-affected children of this region.
– Peace-building strategies encouraging local and national unity.
– Art education in relationship to entrepreneurship and preparing the children for the future.